Types of Hair Loss

Types of Hair Loss Hair loss also known as Alopecia may awaken your senses in unexpected ways. Losing all of your hair abruptly for no apparent cause may certainly make any individual feel worse. Our body misidentifies hair follicles as alien bodies and fights them, destroying the follicles. In addition, it inhibits hair development. This immune system reaction to follicles can result in patchy or full hair loss. Alopecia affects people of all ages, from children to adulthood. Though hair loss may not always indicate Alopecia, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor. Furthermore, hair loss might be a symptom of any other condition in the body. There are many types of hair losses that are commonly seen on people. ALOPECIA AREATA This is a disease that develops when the body attacks its own hair follicles (where hair grows from), which can cause hair loss anywhere on the body. Alopecia areata affects many people who are healthy. They suffer hair loss and occasionally nail alt...